Our Vision

To be a trusted and preferred social service organization in providing services in education, health, environment and focus on humanitarian development.


A new born educational trust is a Non-Government and Non-Profit making organization, established to work in the areas of Health, Education, relief of poor, and to provide amenities and facilities to those who can’t afford.


Our trust is established to support the efforts in achieving economic equality & sustainable development in the field of education leading to improvement of Society.

Our Primary Objectives

  • To promote educational, cultural and social development of the poor and weaker section of the society
  • To establish conduct and manage schools, colleges, professional and technical. Institution imparting primary, preprimary, secondary higher secondary, Graduate and Post Graduate Educational in all branches of Arts, science, commerce. Agriculture, Law Vocation, Politics, Literary, Religion Culture, Fine Arts Crafts Journalism, Engineering, Medicines and Information Technology etc.,
  • To run the education and physical college such as D.ED. B.ED .B.P Ed.B.P.E., M.D. Management Course etc.,
  • To establishand run D.Pharmacy, B.Pharmacy, Dental and Medical College.
  • To establish, conduct and manage Residential Schools and college including hostelsfor students coming from different parts of states/ countries for education.
  • To establish, conduct, and manage, various facilities for vocational guidance centre and information centre.
  • To establish, conduct, manage circulating Libraries collection of books manuscripts, historical data's and records, coins, paintings and antiquities etc., for benefit of students.
  • To establish and manage fund for scholarships to weaker and needy students prized/ awards to meritorious students to ensure establishment of Higher sense of competitiveness among the students.
  • To maintain, manage, conduct, ashram by providing shelter to the needy and deserving girls, women and widows and educate them about small scale industry, cottage industry with a view to earn their livelihood.
  • To conduct meetings, conferences, studies, surveys, etc., in connection with education in general.
  • To award scholarships, stipend awards medical aid and other occasions to pupils and deserving men and women who study in school conducted by society and also to provide books to deserved students and scholars.
  • To encourage men, women and children to be financially self sustainable by teaching them income generation skills.
  • To hold eyes camp, blood donation camp, and medical camp to provide medicines, ambulance facility and other medical help to the poor, needy and old persons.
  • To provide residential accommodation to educate, train and assist financially or otherwise to students, teachers, staff, social workers, workers and otherwise who are engaged in any works or organization connected with the Trust, as maybe found necessary or useful to propagate and undertake services in furtherance of the aims and subjects of the said "Trust"
  • Under the banner of as "A New Born Educational Trust" will celebrate 15tAugust, 26t January, O2nd October and Traditional Occasions.
  • To educate the community, social responsibilities and impart the knowledge of various social services available so as to enable them to make use of the same.
  • To celebrate festival's cultural and religious celebrations for time to time.(r) To establish, conduct and manage welfare centre for the development of Old age person viz., senior citizen and orphanage.
  • To start a home for old aged person viz., senior citizen and orphanage and/ or physically and/ or mentally handicapped children.
  • To approach the government/ semi-government bodies or social institutions, individuals, for socio-economic aid, assistance for aged person in respect or reasonable necessities, comforts, conveniences, conductive to the health and wellbeing of the elderly.
  • To establish and maintain hospitals, clinics, medical centers, dispensaries etc.,
  • To promote the health of suffering and needy persons by providing medical, surgical and other medical assistance including supply of medicines and other medical, surgical or remedial appliances.
  • To establish medical colleges (Unani Medicine, Homeopathy, Ayurvedha, Allopathy, Dental and all branches of medical Specialization and recognized system of medicine).
  • To establish Para-Medical department or faculty for courses of Physiotheraphy, Chariopractice, Medical laboratory technology, Occupational therapy, Prosthetics and Orthotics, Speech Therapist, Operation Theatre technique, X-Ray technician, Optician, E.C.G. Technician and others for education and training and award certificate or diploma thereof.

Our Values reflects who we are and what we stand for as Organization

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We aspires to bridge the divide between urban India and rural India by enabling affordable, accessible and sustainable education for all children by providing them with an equal opportunity to learn.

Our Secondary Objectives

  • To identify and support grass-root voluntary organizations technically and financially to implement social welfare and development programs.
  • To provide fellowship, literature, book, pamphlets, periodicals and newspapers in India or abroad for the spread and advancement of education and culture.
  • To provide fellowship, awards and title of honors to outstanding individuals in various fields to motivate them.
  • To undertake joint actions and network projects for the welfare and development of depressed, downtrodden and disadvantaged group of communities.
  • To work as a National forum on all matters concerning social welfare and social work.
  • To provide relief to the needy in areas affected by natural calamities and other emergencies through the trust.
  • To engage in programs of education in general and particular cr~ches, primary, adult formal & non-formal technical education for development through the trust,
  • To use cultural activities in order to promote awareness among the public. (i)To act as resource center for training, research, documentation and consultancy for development through the trust.
  • To conduct research and development programmers for solving the· problems faced by the weaker sections and down trodden of the society. Especially in the matter of education and vocational pursuits and any other appropriate Technology through the Trust.
  • To charge moderate charges, tuition fees, coaching fees, or any other fees called otherwise to recoup the minimum basic administrative and other occupation expenses incurred in the upkeep and the maintenance of the institutions established, takeover or about to be established under this deed for this trust.
  • To render social service activities, aimed at improving the living conditions and economic standard of the students, and their general welfare, in urban and the rural areas through the Trust and in co-ordination with other NGOs whenever required.
  • Without prejudice to the generally of the aforementioned objects:-The activities would be of purely charitable in nature and not motivated for profit.